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ObjectAdapter Support

ObjectAdapter is used in many Leanback components (e.g. BrowseSupportFragment, VerticalGridSupportFragment, et al.) to display list items. ObjectAdapter uses Presenters to create views and bind data to those views.

Lounge provides LoungeController and LoungeModel to help you construct ObjectAdapter in a declarative programming style. The implementation of LoungeController is referred to the well-known RecyclerView library Airbnb/Epoxy. If you are familiar with Epoxy, Lounge will be easy to use.

Basic Usage

Described here are the fundamentals for building list UIs with Lounge.

Creating LoungeModel

LoungeModel is the base unit that describe how your views should be displayed via the Presenter.

data class TextModel(
  val name: String
) : LoungeModel {
  override val key: Long = name.toLoungeModelKey()
  override val presenter: Presenter = TextModelPresenter

Each LoungeModel should have a unique key to allow RecyclerView diffing algorithm works. You can use the extension function Any.toLoungeModelKey() to get a key from any object. To get better performance, it is recommended to also implement equals() properly. In Kotlin, we can easily achieve this via data class.

The presenter is a normal Leanback Presenter which can bind the LoungeModel to a view. You can create Presenter using the default ViewHolder pattern that provided by Leanback itself or using the DataBindingPresenter provided by Lounge. Presenter better be a singleton object so it can be shared with multiple instances.

DataBindingPresenter example:

object TextModelPresenter : DataBindingPresenter<TextModel, ModelTextBinding>(R.layout.model_text) {
  override fun onBind(binding: ModelTextBinding, item: TextModel) {
    binding.model = item

Or simply using SimpleDataBindingPresenter:

data class TextModel(
  val name: String,
) : LoungeModel {
  override val key: Long = name.toLoungeModelKey()
  override val presenter: Presenter
    get() = SimpleDataBindingPresenter<TextModel>(R.layout.model_text, BR.model)

Using LoungeModel inside LoungeController

LoungeController defines what LoungeModels should be added into the ObjectAdapter.

The controller’s buildModels method declared which LoungeModels to show. You are responsible for calling requestModelBuild whenever your data changes, which triggers buildModels to run again.

Example to show a list of TextModel:

class MyController(lifecycle: Lifecycle) : LoungeController(lifecycle) {

  var names: List<String> = emptyList()
    set(value) {
      if (field != value) {
        field = value

  override suspend fun buildModels() {
    names.forEach {

Every time names changes, we call requestModelBuild. The custom getter of names contains a lot of boilerplate code, instead we can use the loungeProp delegated property:

var names: List<String> by loungeProp(emptyList())

Similar to Epoxy, requestModelBuild requests that models be built but does not guarantee that it will happen immediately. Calling requestModelBuild multiple times will cancel the previous uncompleted build. This is to decouple model building from data changes. This way all data updates can be completed in full without worrying about calling requestModelBuild multiple times.

Integrating with Leanback components

We can get the backing ObjectAdapter off the LoungeController and set up into Leanback components. Here are some examples.

Set up for VerticalGridSupportFragment

class MyVerticalGripFragment : VerticalGridSupportFragment() {

  private val viewModel by viewModels<MyViewModel>()
  private val controller by lazy { MyController(lifecycle) }

  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    gridPresenter = VerticalGridPresenter().apply {
      numberOfColumns = 5
    adapter = controller.adapter

  override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
    viewModel.names.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
      controller.names = it

Set up for RowsSupportFragment

Lounge provides listRow, listRowFor, listRowOf for simplify creating multiple rows UI.

Create a LoungeController that has two rows, await all data becoming available before the first build:

class MyRowsController(lifecycle: Lifecycle) : LoungeController(lifecycle) {

  var row1: List<String>? by loungeProp(null)
  var row2: List<String>? by loungeProp(null)

  override suspend fun buildModels() {
    val row1 = row1 ?: awaitCancellation()
    val row2 = row2 ?: awaitCancellation()

      name = "Row 1",
      list = row1
    ) {

      name = "Row 2",
      list = row2
    ) {

Use the controller inside BrowseSupportFragment:

class MyRowsFragment : RowsSupportFragment() {
  private val controller by lazy { MyRowsController(lifecycle) }

  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    adapter = controller.adapter

  override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
    // Observe data and update row1, row2

Advanced Usage